Welcome To Kehillas Sha'ar HaShamayim
Nestled in the Hills of Wesley Hills...
...a beacon of Torah and Tefilah stands atop East Willow Tree Rd.
Under the leadership of Rav Yosef Viener, Shlitah, Kehillas Sha'ar HaShamayim continues to grow and serve the community with Minyanim, Shiurim and a state of the art Beis Medrash.
Click the Donate button to pay your membership dues, pledges or make a standard donation
Kehillas Sha'ar HaShamayim is made up of a diverse group of individuals and families.
Benefits include:
Daily Daf Yomi
Pirchei Shabbos Programming
Active N'Shei Committee-Steered Events
Shalosh Seudos
Avos U'Banim
Multiple Daily Minyanim
Communicty Mishloach Manos Campaign
Latest News
Check out the full library of Rav Viener's shiurim on Torahstream.org
​Simcha Hall
You can view the Hall Agreement and download a copy of the contract.​
Mishloach Manos Campaign
Join the campaign. Details to be announced.
Night Seder Program
Whether you are looking to learn 1 on 1 with a Chavrusah, on your own, or attend a Shiur, we are your destination!
M-W Rav Viener's Contemporary Halacha Shiur
S-Th Nightly Daf Yomi
S-Th Boys Learning Program
...and others as well.
Zmanei Tefilla
Shacharis 6:45 and 8:00
Mincha 1:30
Mincha/Maariv - before and after Sunset
Maariv 8:00, 8:30, 9:00, 9:45
Kabbalas Shabbos - 8 minutes after Candle Lighting
Shacharis 8:45
Mincha and Maariv as well; times depend on the week and the season.
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